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The fourteen regions of the Ayers and Harman honey bee forage map are indicated below. These regions are based on natural patterns of land use and flora.

Note that selecting the large pink area in the northern boreal region of the Canadian provinces will not provide a list of species at this time. Ayers and Harman indicated that this is not an important beekeeping region. Forage is similar to that of Alaska and is characterized by long harsh winters and a short forage season.

Click on the map to see a list of honey bee forage species and their blooming periods for the different regions within a state.

AK_1 AK_1 MB_10 QC_10 ON_10 CA_3 CA_2 CA_5 CA_5 CA_6 OR_5 WA_2 OR2_2 OR_2 CO_8 NM_8 NM_6 NM_5 AZ_5 AZ_6 NV_6 NV_5 UT_5 NM_2 CO_5 CO_2 UT_2 ID2_2 ID_5 ID_2 WY_2 MT_2 WY_8 MT_8 TX_6 TX_8 OK_8 KS_8 NE_8 SD_8 ND_8 ND_10 SD_10 NE_10 OK_10 KS_10 OK_11 KY_12 MO_12 MO_11 MO_10 IA_10 MN_10 MN_9 IL_11 IL_10 IN_11 IN_10 MI2_9 MI_9 WI_9 WI_10 MI_10 TX_12 AR_11 AR_12 LA_12 MS_12 AL_12 FL_12 TN_12 MS_11 AL_11 TN_11 KY_11 GA_12 GA_11 SC_11 NC_11 SC_12 NC_12 VA_11 VA_12 VA2_12 MD_12 DE_12 MD_11 WV_11 OH_10 PA_10 OH_11 NJ_12 NJ_11 PA_11 NY_10 NY_11 NY2_13 NY_13 CT_13 RI_13 MA_13 VT_13 NH_13 ME_13 NB_13 PE_13 NS_13 QC_9 QC_13 QC3_14 QC2_14 NL2_14 NL_14 QC_14 ON_9 ON_14 MB_7 MB_8 MB_14 SK_8 SK_7 SK_14 AB_8 AB2_7 AB_14 AB_2 AB_7 BC_7 BC2_14 BC_14 BC_2 OR_4 WA_4 BC_4
   Region   1 - Alaska    Region   2 - Western Mountains
   Region   3 - South and Central California    Region   4 - Interior Northwest
   Region   5 - Intermountain Region    Region   6 - Southwest Deserts
   Region   7 - Aspen Parkland & Peace River Valley    Region   8 - Great Plains
   Region   9 - N. Great Lakes & S. Canada    Region 10 - Agricultural Interior
   Region 11 - Appalachian-Ozark Upland    Region 12 - Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain
   Region 13 - New England & Atlantic Canada    Region 14 - Boreal Forest

This map, and the associated species lists that are provided via the map, are based on content created by George S. Ayers and Jay R. Harman, both of Michigan State University, and are provided in Chapter 11 "Bee Forage of North America and the Potential for Planting for Bees" of the book The Hive and the Honey Bee, 1992, Graham, J. ed. Dadant and Sons Inc. Hamilton, Illinois.

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NASA Official: Sadashiva Devadiga
Last Updated: February 1, 2024