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List of Honey Bee Forage Species within Region 6 for the State of TX

Ordered by Begin Bloom Month

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USDA codeFamilyLatin NameCommon NamePlant TypeBegin Bloom MonthEnd Bloom MonthSig
ASTRAFabaceaeAstragalusMilk-vetch, loco-weedF29N
LATRAZygophyllaceaeLarrea tridentataCreosote bushS210N
POPULSalicaceaePopulusCottonwood, poplar aspenTDB26N
CITRU2RutaceaeCitrusCitrusTEB, C26Y
CILALCucurbitaceaeCitrullus lanatuswatermelonC36N
CUMECucurbitaceaeCucumis meloCantaloupe, muskmelon, casaba,C36N
CUSA4CucurbitaceaeCucumis sativuscucumberC34N
ACBEFabaceaeAcacia berlandieriHuajillo, guajilloS36Y
TAMAR2TamaricaceaeTamarixTamarisk, salt cedar, athelS310Y
TRSE6EuphorbiaceaeTriadica sebiferaChinese tallow tree, vegetable tallowTDB35N
ARNE4ConvolvulaceaeConvolvulusBindweedV, F39N
MESAFabaceaeMedicago sativaAlfalfa, lucerneC410N
ACGRFabaceaeAcacia greggiiCatclaw, devil's claw, Texas mimosaS49Y
OPUNTCactaceaeOpuntiaPrickley pearS46N
PRGLGFabaceaeProsopis glandulosaMesquiteS46Y
AGAVEAgavaceaeAgaveMaguey, american aloe, stitchwortS, F47N
GUSA2AsteraceaeGutierrezia sarothraeMatchweed, snakeweedF510N
MONARLamiaceaeMonardaHorsemint, wild bergamot, bee-balmF59N
ALOYSVerbenaceaeAloysiaWhite brush, bee-brush, white sageS59Y
PAAC3FabaceaeParkinsonia aculeataJerusalem-thorn, horse beanS59N
GRINDAsteraceaeGrindeliaResinweed, rosinweed, rarweedd, gumweed, gum plant, sticky-headsF69N
COHORhamnaceaeCondalia hookeriBrazil, logwood, capul negroS78N
GUTETAsteraceaeGutierrezia texanaBromweedF811N
CILALCucurbitaceaeCitrullus lanatuswatermelonC911N
CUMECucurbitaceaeCucumis meloCantaloupe, muskmelon, casaba,C911N
CUSA4CucurbitaceaeCucumis sativuscucumberC1011N

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Plant Type codes:

Sig column

      T    - tree
    TDB - tree, deciduous broadleaf
    TEN - tree, evergreen needleleaf
    TEB - tree, evergreen broadleaf
      S    - shrub
    SEB - shrub, evergreen broadleaf
    SDB - shrub, deciduous broadleaf
      V    - vine
    VDB - vine, deciduous broadleaf
      G    - grass
      F    - forb (herbaceous flowering plants, non-woody)
      C    - crops/cultivated
   This column indicates whether or not the species is considered a very important nectar source species within the state and region selected. If it is a significant source, it is indicated here with a 'Y' and the row is highlighted.

In this context, important is defined by Ayers and Harman as those species that "reliably produce a large percent of the harvested honey" within the selected region.


 For those wishing to see more detailed information about any species in the list, please visit the USDA PLANTS Database web site and search by any of the first three columns from the table.

This output was derived from content created by Ayers and Harman, and published as Chapter 11 "Bee Forage of North America and the Potential for Planting for Bees" from the book The Hive and the Honey Bee, 1992, Graham, J. ed. Dadant and Sons Inc. Hamilton, Illinois.
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Last Updated: February 1, 2024