The hive is located in a backyard apiary near the Cahaba River outside of Birmingham. The hilly region is forested, primarily deciduous - mixed southern forest. The hive faces southeast and is located in the in center of group of seven hives on top of a hill with full sun exposure until approximately 2 pm daily.
The colony of three banded Italian bees is in a 10 frame deep plus a shallow honey super on a screened bottom board. The queen was 1.5 yrs old in 2010.
The scale is a Toledo model (#4181), with a 17x22 in. platform, with 1000 lb capacity. The scale sits on a concrete paver base and is exposed. Counterpoise weights were adjusted September 2010 , ±_0.5 gm with electronic kitchen scale.
The principal spring forage consists of tulip trees (April-May), white dutch clover (early April), and wildflowers (March- April).