The hive has a southern exposure in full sun near a lake and is part of an apiary with 10-15 hives. There is flat cropland all around the hive site. The cropland is surrounded by woods with oaks, red maple, catalpa, tulip poplar, pines, hickory, pecans, hicans (the native Burton Hican), persimmon, willow, beech, birch honey locust, black locust.
The scale is a chinese version of the old feed mill scale. The scale is exposed to the weather and the moving parts are covered with a customer box for protection. The scale can read to the nearest 100grams or equivalent to that measure. The scale is level and sitting on 4 concrete pavers 16”x16”
The hive is number 4-2, has a carniolan queen from July 2007. It was two brood boxes of 10 frames and one honey super with 9 frames. It is quite strong and has almost one full brood and honey super full of honey. The initial weight is 69.4 Kg.
The big honey flows of spring are mostly tulip poplar and black locust. There are also black berry thickets as well as catalpa later in the spring. Most of the time tulip poplar and locust bloom very close together.